Discovering the difference Jesus makes in all of life
Worship with us Sundays at 10:30AM!
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Current sermon series

1 Corinthians: The difference Jesus makes in all of life
Starting April 7th, we’ve begun walking through 1 Corinthians to study the letter Paul wrote to the church in Corinth. Join us as we unpack the similarities between Corinth and Seattle and seek wisdom from God’s word as we hold out the hope of the Gospel and rejoice in the difference Jesus makes in every element of our lives.
What we value

The Table
Jesus leverages ordinary moments for extraordinary purposes. So, we value turning our tables into places of grace, community, and mission.

The Towel
Jesus leverages ordinary moments for extraordinary purposes. So, we value turning our tables into places of grace, community, and mission.

The Tourniquet
Our deepest wounds are worship wounds. So, we value the gospel’s ability to bring healing to the deep places of our lives.

The Toast
Life is hard and can be discouraging. So, we value honoring, encouraging, and celebrating evidences of grace in one another’s lives.