Missional Communities

The difference Jesus makes in all of life is best discovered in the company of friends who become like family.

Missional Communities (MCs) are small, diverse groups that meet weekly throughout the Puget Sound. MCs are a vital component of our church’s culture as they foster friendships and spiritual formation through exploring the Bible, sharing experiences, and serving neighbors together. Our hope is to see at least one Missional Community occurring in each one of Seattle’s unique neighborhoods. 

Experiencing life together

Friendships are forged through shared experiences. Therefore, our missional communities love sharing the table together together. Over meals, strangers become friends, and friends become family as we partake in the common habit of eating food together and talking about how the gospel applies to all of life. 

Exploring the Bible together

Spiritual formation happens as we discover the difference Jesus makes in all of life. To that end, our MCs explore the Bible together. They gather regularly to examine the life Jesus loves them towards living as made known to us through the Scriptures. 

Serving together

One difference Jesus makes in all of life is that He helps us assume an other-oriented posture as we journey through this world. He gives us a desire to serve those surrounding us. Our MCs, then, seek to serve neighbors in their respected hoods at a regular cadence. At least once a quarter, each MC serves together in a way that helps give life to individuals and organizations throughout our city.

Find an MC







Kim Arthur & Matt and Katie McCormick**

**currently at capacity

North Greenlake

Deborah and Frank Mayfield


Will and Jodi Pollock


Queen Anne

Austin Briggs



Scott and Bri Parmely
