Sunday worship guide

We belong in community, so let’s connect!

Let us know you were here, any prayer support you could use, or what you would like to know more about as you consider exploring the gospel and connecting with our faith community.

Welcome to today’s worship gathering

Worship Unplugged
Welcome to our “unplugged” service, a time to experience worship as many churches have throughout history and as many still do around the world today. In this special service, we will sing well-known classic Christian hymns, joining our voices together as one, without any musical accompaniment or leaders on stage. This is an opportunity to embrace a communal and familial form of Sunday worship, reminding us that God is always present and active in our midst. Let’s come together in simplicity and unity, celebrating our faith in a truly connected way.
To access the Digital Hymnal, click on the button below. You will be taken to the lyrics for all the hymns. You can click on the song title in the table of contents to jump directly to the lyrics for each song. Feel free to scroll through the whole digital hymnal to get familiarized.

Whether you’re just beginning to explore the claims of Jesus or are seasoned in your faith, we are glad you are here! We believe that Jesus makes a difference in all of life and that we are able to best experience that in community. As you’ll see today, we worship God through a variety of ways including studying the Bible, praying, singing, communion & more. We like to weave in and out of traditions like liturgical reading as well as contemporary and dynamic expressions of worship–all of which are meant to help us recall, reflect upon and respond to the good news of Jesus found throughout the story of redemption in Scripture and celebrated among Christians for thousands of years.

Sermon Notes

Sunday, July 21, 2024 | Jodi Pollock

The Book of Habakkuk:  God is Greater

1. God is Greater Than Our Doubts (1:1-11)

  • It is okay to ask honest questions of God– we are surrounded by injustice, just as Habakkuk was
  • God is not inactive

2. God is Greater Than Our Fears (1:12-17)

  • God knows our fears and wants us to bring them to Him in faith
  • God is not indifferent or inconsistent

3. God is Greater Than Our Sin (2:2-20)

  • God’s justice is certain and so is His glory
  • Five woes from the taunt song:
    • Selfishness and economic injustice
    • Covetousness and seeking security at the expense of others
    • Control by violence and exploitation
    • Lust, self-gratification, and drunkenness
    • Idolatry
  • Three encouragements:
    • “The righteous will live by his faith” (2:4) – We are saved by grace through faith
    • “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the seas” (2:14) – Someday, God’s glory will permeate the earth instead of sin and strife
    • “But the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.” (2:20) – God’s authority is absolute

Habakkuk’s Prayer of Faith (3:1-19)

  • “…in wrath, remember mercy” (3:2) – both justice and mercy met at the cross of Jesus Christ, opening a way for our righteous standing before God
  • Remembering the past Exodus – remember what God has already done, the ways He has already proven Himself faithful in our lives
  • Consider the future Exodus – God is coming to rescue His people
  • Prayer of Surrender – Though all is lost on this earth, yet I will rejoice in the Lord my Savior; the Maker of the mountains will supply our needs for each step of the climb
Upcoming Opportunities & Next Steps
1st and 3rd Sunday Potluck Lunches after Worship Gathering

Plan to stay after every 1st and 3rd Sunday to grow in relationship with one another by sharing a meal! One of our Missional Communities (weekday small groups) provides the main dish and theme and the rest of the community is invited to bring a side or dessert to share if able when able. On 3rd Sundays following the lunch, members gather for a Family Gathering for member-specific updates, discussion and prayer. 

Saturday Morning Prayer

Every Saturday morning we open the church from 8-9 a.m. to pray for one another, our church and the world–asking God’s will to be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Join us for coffee and prayer to start your weekend off on a high note!

Praying for our muslim neighbors

If you would like more info on how to care and pray for our Muslim neighbors, contact Jodi and Will at

camping on labor day weekend!

Block your calendar now as we have our third annual Hallows Church Camping Trip in the works tentatively for Friday, August 30-Monday – September 2nd (Labor Day Weekend)!! More details to come!


Worship through Giving
Thank you for giving of your time, talents and treasures to support the ministry efforts of and through your Hallows community. If you would like to give financially, you can go to our Giving page.
More about Communion

Today you’ll have the opportunity to take communion during the gathering.

Communion is also known as the Lord’s Supper and is a symbolic act of worshipful obedience whereby followers of Christ eat bread and drink juice in rememberance of what Jesus did for us, how He did it and why it was necessary (Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

If you have yet to put your trust in Jesus, you are encouraged to refrain from eating the bread and drinking the juice. You are encouraged, however, to use this time to pray or meditate upon what you have heard and seen today. May you earnestly approach God with your questions, struggles, doubt, sin and even consider asking Him to teach you who He is.

If you are beginning to believe in your need for salvation and want to put your trust in Jesus for your rescue and reconcilation with God, tell Him! Acknowledge that you are more weak and sinful than you previously believed but through Jesus you believe you are loved and accepted because He pays the debt, bears the punishment and offers forgiveness and new life to any who would repent and believe in Him–including you!

If this is a prayer you are earnestly praying today, share it with someone (like a Christian friend or a Hallows pastor) so that you can grow in your faith in community!