Sunday Worship Guide
We belong in community, so let’s connect!
Let us know you were here, any prayer support you could use, or what you would like to know more about as you consider exploring the gospel and connecting with our faith community.
Welcome to today’s worship gathering
Upcoming Opportunities & Next Steps
December 1st
-Please plan to stay after the worship gathering today for a couple brief, important updates.
-After our time of updates, anyone who would like to help decorate the church for Christmas is invited to stay.
Sunday, December 8th
-Plan to stay after worship for our only December potluck lunch, hosted by the Ballard MC!
-Following the potluck, we will have a Family Gathering for members and those who are seriously considering joining The Hallows Church from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Please plan to be present as we unpack and dialogue about the brief updates shared after worship today.
December Worship Gatherings
-Plan to worship and invite friends and family to join you for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Gathering on December 24th!
–Note: We will not have our normally scheduled Sunday morning worship on Sunday, December 29th to give our serve teams a rest at the end of the year. This is a great opportunity to make brunch and fellowship with friends inside and outside The Hallows!
Worship through Giving
More about Communion
Today you’ll have the opportunity to take communion during the gathering.
Communion is also known as the Lord’s Supper and is a symbolic act of worshipful obedience whereby followers of Christ eat bread and drink juice in rememberance of what Jesus did for us, how He did it and why it was necessary (Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
If you have yet to put your trust in Jesus, you are encouraged to refrain from eating the bread and drinking the juice. You are encouraged, however, to use this time to pray or meditate upon what you have heard and seen today. May you earnestly approach God with your questions, struggles, doubt, sin and even consider asking Him to teach you who He is.
If you are beginning to believe in your need for salvation and want to put your trust in Jesus for your rescue and reconcilation with God, tell Him! Acknowledge that you are more weak and sinful than you previously believed but through Jesus you believe you are loved and accepted because He pays the debt, bears the punishment and offers forgiveness and new life to any who would repent and believe in Him–including you!
If this is a prayer you are earnestly praying today, share it with someone (like a Christian friend or our team at the Hallows) so that you can grow in your faith in community!