April 2 2023
Speaker: Peter Gatata
Scripture: Matthew
This passage reminds us of God’s love displayed toward us through Christ, His humble Servant…. read more
February 5 2023
Since the return of Christ is imminent, we are instructed to live with sober and eager expectation of His return and to faithfully serve Him.
September 24 2022
September 24 2022
The most important question in the world is, “Who is Jesus?” but the necessary follow-up
question is this, “What are you going to do about it?” Too many Christians never experience the
richness of life in Christ because they refuse to answer the call, and therefore count the cost, of
discipleship. There is real, true joy and life to be had in Christ, and it comes through the
abandonment, dis-ownership and death of self. In this Sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA
June 15 2022
Series: 2022 Summer Sermon Series
Speaker: Peter Gatata
As followers of Jesus. We are called to abide in Him as the true vine which provides nourishment in our lives and produces Christ-like character that glorifies God and proves we are becoming the disciples of Jesus. In this Sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA