April 12 2023
Speaker: Jeff Hundley
Scripture: Matthew
Could the resurrection of Jesus happen? Did the resurrection of Jesus happen? What if the resurrection of Jesus did happen–what does it mean?
April 2 2023
Speaker: Peter Gatata
Scripture: Matthew
This passage reminds us of God’s love displayed toward us through Christ, His humble Servant…. read more
March 28 2023
In Acts 2, Peter preaches his first sermon. Three thousand people received the gospel message,… read more
July 27 2021
Series: Stand Alone Sermons
Speaker: Stephen Searles
Scripture: Genesis
Our impatience with God often brings about unhelpful conclusions to problems we face. Waiting is hard. Waiting makes us feel alone–like no one sees us, hears us, or knows us, not even God.
In this story everyone involved feels like God has abandoned them, Sarai and Abram in childbearing and Hagar in everything. But just as God always does He shows up at just the right time to remind us that we are not alone. He went so far as to send is only Son, Jesus, so we would never have to feel alone again. Study Genesis 16 with us today to learn more.
May 12 2021
Series: Stand Alone Sermons
Speaker: Stephen Searles
Scripture: John
Today, we are studying John 6 with our church planter in residence, Stephen Searles, in… read more