April 23 2023
Last week we discussed what it looked like to be like Jesus in seeking our… read more
April 19 2023
Join Hallows Edmonds in following Jesus through the book of John. In John 4:1-15, we see ourselves as the woman at the well…
January 15 2023
In today’s passage Jesus strongly rebukes those who claim to love God, so they keep His law. In reality, they love the law, and the status that following it affords, well above God or His people. In this sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA.
November 20 2022
Speaker: Stephen Searles
Humans are in a constant search for what we need and those needs often equate to what we can do. In today’s passage Jesus tells us there is only one thing we need, and it is nothing that we can do; it is all about who He is. In this Sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA.
October 22 2022
Speaker: Stephen Searles
What does it mean to be great? The pursuit of greatness is admired in the west and eagerly sought. The disciples even desired to be great. In Luke 9:46-56, Jesus provides his disciples with four lessons of greatness, and shows them how true greatness is found in his character, his message, his sacrifice, and his compassion. In this Sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA