September 24 2022
September 24 2022
The most important question in the world is, “Who is Jesus?” but the necessary follow-up
question is this, “What are you going to do about it?” Too many Christians never experience the
richness of life in Christ because they refuse to answer the call, and therefore count the cost, of
discipleship. There is real, true joy and life to be had in Christ, and it comes through the
abandonment, dis-ownership and death of self. In this Sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA
July 10 2022
Series: 2022 Summer Sermon Series
Speaker: Chase Rodriguez
In this passage, along with the Pharisees, we encounter Jesus as Judge, the standard which puts to shame all self-righteous ways and disarms us from the stones we throw. And along with the woman, we encounter Jesus and Savior, whose mercy toward us not only frees us from condemnation but activates us to live as intercessors and reconcilers in a hostile world. A sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA.