August 13 2023
Speaker: George San Miguel
Book: Philippians
Study Philippians 3:1-14 in which we are reminded to be wary of a common trap… read more
July 23 2023
In Philippians 2:1-11, we see Jesus as the ultimate example of humble obedience, which compels us to live our lives worthy of the Gospel. What does it look like to live lives worthy of the gospel?
July 2 2023
Our new sermon series through Philippians begins with seeing the apostle Paul’s heart poured out to a people that have faithfully supported the work of missions even though they were going through their own affliction. As we journey through this study together, may it serve as an example of how to love others with grace and humility.
May 14 2023
May 14 2023
As we continue our Bible study series entitled, “The Book of Daniel: God of the… read more
April 23 2023
As we continue in our new sermon series: “The Book of Daniel: God of the… read more