Psalms for this Season | Doubt

Day 15 | Psalm 73 Everybody doubts sometimes–even the most devout followers of Jesus among us. Struggling with doubt can either defeat or develop one’s faith depending on the posture one assumes. Doubt defeats proud people because they sit in the crosshairs of God’s...

Psalms for this Season | Exodus

  Day 13 | Psalm 66 Why should the whole earth shout joyfully to God? What awe-inspiring acts should solicit exuberant worship from all people everywhere? One answer could be creation.  After all, God has given us the gift of life. He created such a beautiful and...

Psalms for this Season | Care

Day 12 | Psalm 65 Praise rightfully belongs to God because He alone is God. But, He is neither a secluded nor a calloused God. He is the One who hears our prayers. We praise Him for not only being God but for the way He chooses to be God. He willingly listens and...

Psalms for this Season | Allegiance

Day 11 | Psalm 61 Times of trouble reveal where our allegiance lies. When the psalmists found themselves in trouble, they knew where to turn. They looked outside themselves and cried out to God for help. They pledged allegiance to Him for He alone proved to be their...

Psalms for this Season | Impartial

Day 5 | Psalm 62 The COVID-19 coronavirus does not discriminate. It moves impartially through households, cities, states, and countries. Its malevolent intentions are not strategic. It wreaks havoc throughout the world without prejudice. Neither race nor riches...