Sermon Audio
Psalm 91:1 sets the thematic tone for 1Samuel 18 when it says, “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.” As believers live out their faith today, what does it mean to live under the protection of the most high and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty?
Join Pastor Mark Smith today to see how 1 Samuel 18:17-30 is the description of this reality. As we witness in David’s life, living under God’s protection and dwelling in His shadow is to be covered from schemes, carried through snares, and cast into success. On this side of the cross, we are ultimately placed in the success of Christ’s resurrection. To dwell in God’s shadow is to live reassured that we can trust Jesus to lead us, knowing there are dynamics at play in our lives now that may be hidden and potentially revealed later through the opening of our eyes. It is resting in the assurance that though schemes and snares persist, unbeknownst to us, God is actively near and at work, continuing to lead us into the ultimate success we have in Christ Jesus.
For questions to consider or additional discussion points on this passage and sermon, check out: 06_13 MC Study and Discussion Guide