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Series: When Mess Meets Mercy: The Gospel of 1 Samuel

When Mess Meets Mercy Sermon Series

When Mess Meets Mercy: The Gospel of 1 Samuel

Explore the varied ways in which God magnifies His mercy in the midst of the messes we often make of our lives. In the book of 1 Samuel, we see that mess-making is all too familiar to the people of God. See, God desired to be Israel’s King, but Israel rejected His rule preferring a tangible, human king like the surrounding nations. This brought Israel a world of trouble. Before we dismiss their actions as foreign to ourselves. Let’s take time to consider how we too are tempted to eject God from His throne in our hearts and lives. As we do, we will be encouraged that, in mercy, God would work in and through the mess Israel made for themselves by eventually providing David, a man after God’s own heart to serve as the nation’s greatest (albeit imperfect) king. Ultimately, God would magnify His mercy by sending the Son of David, Jesus, to rescue us from the messes we, too, make by rejecting God as King!