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Luke 5:27-32 | The Call of Christ

March 15 2022

Luke 5:27-32 | The Call of Christ

Sermon Summary:

“Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” The religious persons of the day asked Jesus this question, and it’s still a question to be asked today. As we explore Luke 5:27-32, may we identify with those Jesus calls upon, understand Jesus’ calling and respond to the call for the Church.


For more questions to consider, discussion points for your Missional Community small group or additional passage study resources, check out our MC Guide: MC Study Guide 3_13_22


  • Jesus came not to call the (self)-righteous but sinners to repentance. 
  • The Call of Christ (vv. 27-28)
    • What does Jesus see when He looks at you?
    • What does followsing Jesus cost you?
  • The Call of the Church (vv. 29-32)
    • We join Jesus in His mission to sinners and sufferers.
    • We are misunderstood just as Jesus was.
    • What do you think of when you hear the word: self-righteous?
    • Those who see they are in need repent while those who are blind to their need do not repent.