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2 Timothy 2:20-26 | Mark Smith, Wallingford Expression | “Prepared for Every Good Work”

June 7 2022

2 Timothy 2:20-26 | Mark Smith, Wallingford Expression | “Prepared for Every Good Work”

June 7 2022

Book: 2 Timothy

Bible Passage: 2 Timothy

Wallingford | Prepared for Every Good Work | Mark Smith Guides us through 2 Timothy 2:20-26.  In this passage, Paul is describing the differences between honorable and dishonorable vessels. He explains that God’s people are called to serve Him (God) as special instruments of purpose, nobility, and grace and describes what that should look like when dealing with opposing people and viewpoints.

  • An Instrument of Purpose
    • 2 Timothy 2:19-21
  • An Instrument of Nobility
    • 2 Timothy 2:22-23
    • Ephesians 4:22-24
    • Psalm 34:15
  • An Instrument of Grace
    • 2 Timothy 2:24-26
    • 1 Thessalonians 2:8, 11-12
    • Isaiah 53:7


Edmonds | God or Money | Jason Murray Takes us through Matthew 6:19-24. When Money takes the place of God it leads to seeking a life of ease, greed, and anxiety. When we trust in God and his provision, it leads to peace, hope, and sacrificial giving. This is the difference Jesus makes in our financial lives.  

  • Matthew 6: 19-34 
  • Luke 12: 13–34
  • You Cannot Serve God and Money  
    • Matthew 6:24
  • Life is Not the Abundance of Possessions: Be on Guard Against Greed 
    • Luke 12: 15-21
  • Trust in God’s Provision: The Cure for our Anxiety
    • Matthew 6: 25-32
  • Store Up Wealth in Heaven: A Call to a Kingdom Perspective and Sacrificial Giving  
    • Matthew 6:19-21
    • Luke 12: 31-34
    • 2 Corinthians 8:9


West Seattle | Finding Strength and Courage | Ernen Haby teaches through Joshua 1:1-9.  We explore God’s words to Joshua at the beginning of the Promised Land conquest, we hear God’s instruction for finding strength and courage as we tackle the tasks that God has for us.  He provides us strength and courage through His Promise, Presence and Word, and in stepping out to follow His Charge.

  • Joshua 1:1-9 (CSB, full text)
  • God Promises
  • God Charges
  • God Equips
  • God Encourages
  • Finding Strength and Courage
  • Be Encouraged by God’s Promise and Presence
  • Be Equipped by God’s Word
  • Follow God’s Charge