Sermon Audio
Let’s study Luke 2:41-52 with Pastor Andrew Arthur to explore how cultivating gospel oriented rhythms, curiosity, and obedience enables us to grow in grace by reinforcing our place in God’s story.
Questions and concepts addressed during this teaching on Luke 2:
Cultivating Gospel-Oriented Rhythms (vv. 41-42)
Cultivating Gospel-Oriented Curiosity (vv. 43-47)
Cultivating Gospel-Oriented Obedience (vv. 48-52)
Questions and concepts addressed during this teaching on Luke 2:
What rhythms are you incorporating (or neglecting) that are impacting your life and others, for better or for worse?
How can you grow in grace like Jesus?
Is curiosity good or bad in the Christian faith? What type of curiosity honors God?
Did Jesus sin when he stayed behind at the temple without his parents knowledge?
How do you know if you are a child of God?
Is Christian obedience optional or desirable? What makes the difference?
What is the significance of approaching God as Father in Scripture? Old Testament? New Testament? Now?
New Year’s resolutions for Christians
Gospel-centered parenting