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Colossians 3 | Taking, Thinking and Turning

December 27 2020

Colossians 3 | Taking, Thinking and Turning

December 27 2020

Scripture: Colossians

What is discipleship? How can we disciple one another so that we take in the gospel, think through the gospel and turn out the gospel in our lives and relationships? As we end one year and start a new, Pastor Andrew provides a refresher on how the gospel fuels our disciple-making efforts as seen in Colossians 3:1-17.

Questions to Consider Beforehand
-How would you define discipleship and what it entails?

-Have you ever helped another take in the gospel, think through the gospel and turn it out in the way he/she lives?

-Have you been discipled one-on-one or in a small group in addition to regularly participating in worship gatherings?