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1 Samuel 11 | A King Who Delivers

March 31 2021
1 Samuel

1 Samuel 11 | A King Who Delivers

As we near closer to Easter Sunday, we look forward to celebrating the Risen Savior! This Sunday, in light of Palm Sunday, we worship Christ as our King who has delivered His people from sin and death. However, the everlasting deliverance we experience through Jesus is accompanied by many momentary deliverances in the Old Testament. Our Scripture focus continues our series in 1 Samuel, where God equips Saul to deliver His people from an evil tyrant. 1 Samuel chapter 11 encourages us to remember God alone is the deliverer of His people, whereby events of momentary deliverance are a foretaste of the everlasting deliverance we have in Christ.

Sermon Outline
  • A King who Equips (vv. 4-6)
    • Enemies seek to control, weaken, humiliate
  • A King who Unites (v. 7)
  • A King who Delivers (vv. 8-9)
    • A Momentary Deliverance (vv. 13-14) o An Everlasting Deliverance

For questions to consider and discuss in a small group (we call our Missional Communities, MCs), enjoy this discussion guide: MC Guide for March 28