December 24 2022
Speaker: Mark Smith
The season of advent is a season we look back in awe as we move forward in anticipation. Revelation 22 displays this example as Jesus’ words share the awe of his first advent and anticipate His second advent. In Revelation 22:16-17 we are invited to hear the announcement of advent, accept the invitation of advent, and celebrate the Savior of advent. In This sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA
December 18 2022
Speaker: Cory Shiraishi
We follow how Luke adapts the themes of 1 Samuel as he announces the arrival of Jesus the King. We see how the Old Testament describes the role of the Queen Mother, and how lowly Mary is lifted into it. In all eras, God lifts up the lowly who are faithful to him, and so we are encouraged to hear and do God’s word to enter into the joy of his kingdom. In this sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA.
December 5 2022
Speaker: Mark Smith
Peace is an advent theme we celebrate each year. The theme of peace is a reminder to us that in Jesus, God declares peace, restores us in peace, and satisfies our waiting. Jesus is our peace and righteousness, so we can walk in God’s purposes, keep our eyes on Jesus and endure. In this sermon from the Hallows Church in Seattle, WA.