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1 Samuel 5-7 | How to Approach Our Uncommon God

February 9 2021
1 Samuel

1 Samuel 5-7 | How to Approach Our Uncommon God

God is not common; therefore we must not approach Him in common ways–those related to moral performances, personal preferences, or cultural assumptions. So how can we approach God?

Listen to this sermon by Pastor Andrew Arthur to see how 1 Samuel 5 instructs us to listen to how God, Himself, instructs us to come and stand in His holy presence. May you leave our time of worship through study thankful that, in Christ, God has provided the way for you to approach Him AND to enjoy being in His presence!



The Supremacy of God (5:1-5)
• Is the Lord just another part of your personal pantheon?

• God respects no rivals.

• God needs no support.

The Severity of God (5:6-6:12)

• God takes no sides.

• God takes no chances.

The Sacredness of God (6:13-7:1)

• God is not common.
• God is not unapproachable.

You can use this small group discussion guide to help you and others reflect, digest and apply the sermon and passage: MC Study and Discussion Guide