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1 Samuel 15 | Sin and Consequences

May 4 2021
1 Samuel

1 Samuel 15 | Sin and Consequences

King Saul is the Walter White of the Old Testament. Walter White is a character from the television series titled Breaking Bad, which chronicles the moral decline of a modest family man. A series of small compromises soon reaps major consequences. The show illustrates well the attractive, deceptive, and destructive nature of sin.

In 1 Samuel, Saul is first presented as a modest young man who served his family well (9:1-3). After being anointed as king, Saul begins to make a series of small compromises that reap major consequences. He “breaks bad” so to speak. In chapter 15, his brokenness is on full display when the Lord formally rejects Him as king.

Israel will now need a new king, one who would obey the Lord’s command and lead God’s people well. The next king, David, would be good, but he would not be good enough to help God’s people overcome what ails them most. The consequences of sin can only be overcome through repentance and faith in the perfect and sacrificial obedience of King Jesus. Join Pastor Andrew Arthur in studying this Old Testament passage, the nature of sin, and the hope of the gospel.

**This is a great passage to explore with us to learn how to navigate and understand Old Testament passages that, at first glance, can be hard to understand and reconcile with our modern, Western-understanding of God, love, wrath, mercy and justice.**

Read the Passage (1 Samuel 15)

Sermon Outline

      • Sin is self-deceptive.
        • It exaggerates the self’s importance (v. 20)
        • It seeks the self-enrichment (v. 19)
      • Sin is self-deceptive.
        • We try to excuse it: “I have done good things” (v. 20); “I am just like everyone else” (vv. 15, 21); I did what seemed reasonable (v. 15); “I did this for God” (v. 21); “I was afraid” (v. 24)
        • We try to conceal it. 
      • Sin is self-destructive.
        • It grieves God’s heart (v. 10; 35)
        • It guarantees God’s justice (vv. 28; 33)

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