Sermon Audio
Waiting is hard to do. Being at the mercy of others and circumstances makes us feel too vulnerable. So, we grow impatient. Can you relate? Today we move on to the next story in 1 Samuel 13, which illustrates the tragic outcome of impatience with the Lord. It’s a story where King Saul fails to exercise a patient faith–refuses to wait on the Lord. As a result, he forfeits not only his future but the legacy of his lineage and puts Israel’s future in jeopardy too. His lack of trust that God is sovereign–not his circumstances or fears–leads to a trial becoming a tragedy. But, by God’s grace, the Lord had another king ready to take Saul’s place who would prove to be a man after His own heart. Pastor Andrew Arthur helps us consider how, thankfully, God is still patiently at work and faithful even when we are not–even in the story of Saul.
Additional Sermon Scripture References
1 Samuel 12:25; 1 Samuel 8:20; 1 Samuel 9:16; Genesis 22:17; 1 Samuel 10:8; Psalm 37:7; Psalm 14:1
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