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Luke 2:25-40 | A Savior of a Different Sort

January 2 2022

Luke 2:25-40 | A Savior of a Different Sort

We have in Luke 2:25-40 God revealing another new layer of His plan to Jesus’ parents (and you and I). Much of the passage reads like an Advent passage with Jesus the Messiah somehow bringing consolation, peace, light, redemption–the warm and wonderful Jesus the world is happy to celebrate at Christmas. However, we have in the middle of this passage the first negative note to the Christmas narrative in verses 34-35: Jesus would be a sign to be opposed, would cause some to rise and some to fall, and He would expose hearts. These are pretty alarming and confusing statements to Mary and Joseph (and us) about the mission of Jesus, so let us take time with Pastor Jeff Hundley to unpack this rich passage and see how Jesus is our Savior who confronts, convicts, and also consoles.

For more tools to study and consider this passage, here’s our Missional Community Discussion Guide: MC Study Guide-01_02_22

To watch the YouTube Livestream of the full gathering, go to our YouTube Channel (/thehallowschurch)