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“God, give us grace as we go in peace…”

“God, give us grace as we go in peace…”

God Give Us Grace to Go in Peace by Kim Arthur “God may you give us grace to go in peace and be a blessing to the city of Seattle and beyond." Every Sunday, we close our worship gatherings with this earnest prayer. Every week, God graciously answers. Sometimes the answers are small and easily missed. Sometimes they are extraordinary and jaw-dropping. This has been the case since 2010 when God gathered a group of strangers in Birmingham, AL and disrupted their comfortable lives by challenging...

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Why Do You Believe in Jesus?

Why Do You Believe in Jesus?

As we enter Easter 2022, take a moment to consider why you believe what you believe about Jesus. Is Jesus worth all the fuss? In a nutshell, if it weren’t for his resurrection I’d say definitely not…

Finding Solace & Rest in the Midst of Crises

Finding Solace and Rest in the Midst of Crises by Andrew Arthur Devotional thoughts on Psalm 16.  A crisis can recalibrate the soul by drawing our prayers and praises Godward. A recalibrated faith in Yahweh contrasts with those who take another god. Their sorrows...

An Open Letter: Testing Out My Faith

An Open Letter: Testing Out My Faith

An Open Letter: Testing Out My Faith by Emily Shutsky I am sitting down to write this right after getting back home from the incredible Hallows 10th anniversary celebration, my stomach in elated leaps after being filled with the most delicious cake made by Debs...

Gospel-Oriented Rhythms: Faith and Fitness

Gospel-Oriented Rhythms: Faith and Fitness

Check out this Gospel-Oriented Rhythms blog on “Faith and Fitness.” Can fitness be sacred? How can Christians approach exercise & fitness? How can one make the habit of exercising be gospel-centered?

Daily Gospel-Oriented Rhythms

Daily Gospel-Oriented Rhythms

What rhythms can a Christian cultivate daily to grow in their relationship with God? Here’s a list of gospel-oriented habits & rhythms!

For Consideration: The Power of Rhythms

For Consideration: The Power of Rhythms

The secular world has been talking about habits (atomic habits), schedules, resolutions? Should Christians consider the power of rhythms? How do rhythms and customs shape who we are and who we are becoming? How can you implement gospel-oriented rhythms into your life so that you become who God has created you to become–so those watching you, like your kids, can become who God has desired for them to become?

Real Life Experience with Prayer

Real Life Experience with Prayer by Kim Arthur, Director of Communications   "This is not looking good." Those were my actual thoughts. I was spending longer than I wanted to quiet my fidgety children and pup as they insisted on moving around and even bickering...

On Faith and Friendship in Youth

On Faith and Friendship in Youth

Why Seattle church youth groups are important: teens express, explain, and show the gospel within the bond of community & shared experiences.

Forgiveness & Being Let Down

A Tender Heart: Loving Others When They Let You Down by Alexa Hess   Over the years I have found myself becoming more sensitive to the shortcomings of others. Instead of allowing things to roll off, I’ve been bitter or resentful. The season where I struggled the...