What Psalm 136-esque song could you write today?
Our Lent reading for today, Psalm 136, recounts reasons to give thanks to God by listing out example after example of how He has been faithful.
After each example, the writer leads the worshippers to remember that “His faithful love endures forever.”
At first glance, it could be easy to skim that refrain and only read the lines that change, right? But, what if you read through those repeated lines slowly over and over? Going from creation to rescue to triumph up to the psalmist’s present moment, you may be impacted with the impression that God’s faithfulness really does endure forever.
So how about it?
Challenge 1:
Take time today to read through this psalm—resisting the temptation to skip the refrain—allowing each line to elicit thankfulness that His faithful love endures forever.
Challenge 2:
Then, jot down what else you would be able to include in an extended version of Psalm 136. How have you seen God’s faithful love displayed in redemptive history and in your own years on this earth?
As Emily of our Fremont Expression reflected after her time in this passage, “What if we each wrote a Psalm 136 about our own experiences? It would include all of this and then so much more! It’s so good to recount and bring to mind all the ways that God has been faithful since the beginning to remind us, empirically, that He is much more likely to continue to be faithful (given that He is a promise keeper and hasn’t failed yet) than to abandon us. Statistically those are pretty good odds to me ;-)!”
May your faith also be encouraged today that our God is a promise keeper who hasn’t failed yet, and His faithful love endures forever.
If you want to encourage others as well, share some of the lines you would add to your 136-esque psalm and tag @hallowschurch or send an email to prayer@hallowschurch.org that we may praise God with you! After all, we want to celebrate with you that, indeed, our Shared Savior’s love endures forever!
Written by Emily Schutsky, our Prayer Team Lead, and Kim Arthur, Director of Communications at The Hallows Church.