Dear Hallows Church Family,

We live in a fragile world, yet Christ serves as our firm foundation. He is the rock upon which we stand. Therefore, we can provide a stabilizing and coherent presence in the midst of much chaos and uncertainty — the unfolding outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus notwithstanding. 

Still, in situations like these, we exercise faith and draw upon God’s generous offer of wisdom to all who ask Him (James 1:5). With that in mind, we offer the following counsel and direction for the coming days and weeks ahead. 

#1 Pray and Meditate

If you feel yourself growing anxious or fearful make a concerted effort to cast all your cares upon God because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Ask God to provide you with the peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). 

Pray also for those who are sick, as well as for those who are treating the sick. Pray for God’s protection, provision, and power to preserve life and to restore health. Pray for the unfolding outbreak to end soon. 

Moments like these can serve the soul well by reminding us of our mortality. Let us think deeply about the brevity of life. Let us ponder anew what it means to be a creature who is dependent upon and accountable to the Creator. Let us praise Jesus for giving life eternal to all who trust in Him. Let us recommit to carrying His gospel forward to those who do not yet share that hope. 

#2 This Weekend’s Worship  

We will host scaled down worship gatherings this weekend. Hospitality will only provide coffee and water, but no snacks. Our hosts and greeters will not be shaking hands or greeting anyone with a “holy kiss” ;). They will greet attendees with words and a warm smile. We will not partake of the Lord’s Supper. Our Fremont Expression will have a minimal set-up. 

Kids Ministry will only provide a room for infants and toddlers. Older kids will join their parents in worship with the rest of the church. We are taking extra precautions to sanitize kids ministry and any shared surface areas. 

#3 Caution

People who are at higher risk of illness may want to consider ways to lower their risk of infection by limiting contact with crowds, including those: 1) over 60 years of age, or 2) with underlying health conditions such as heart disease and lung disease, or 3) with weakened immune systems, or 4) pregnant. If you, or a family member, has a cough, fever, or other respiratory difficulties, we encourage you to refrain from participating in any church-related activity until you are fever free for 24 hours. If you are unable to attend the gathering, you can listen to the teaching here.

#4 Future Worship Gatherings

We are formulating a plan in the event that we would be wise to cancel gathering together at any point in the coming weeks.  In such a case, we are exploring options that will enable us to still feast on God’s Word, engage in edifying worship elements, and stay virtually connected during this unique season. So, please stay tuned! 

#5 Personal Health

Please let us know if you become ill so we can pray for you and serve you in all the ways that we are able. 

We continue to monitor the latest news and recommendations released by the CDC and governing officials. We will keep you posted as we learn more or if any plans change. If you have questions or concerns please email

In Christ, 

Pastor Andrew & Elders