Hello sun, and hello all our fellow Seattleites who are beginning to emerge from the shelter of your homes! As you’re making plans to enjoy the sun and warmth, we’re happy to give you a snapshot of some awesome summer opportunities you won’t want to miss. Why not you ask? Because they all are provided with the aim to help us as a community magnify and multiply the gospel through Seattle to the ends of the earth. This happens as we grow in gospel-saturated relationships with one another (because that’s where we see lives flourish, right?), and we each invite others in our lives to experience the gospel in community too.

So as you look through the list of opportunities below would you treat them as just that—as opportunities to flourish in Christ and invite others to as well? For example, we are sending out three Global Engagement teams this summer across the world—would you set an alarm for those days to remember to be praying for them if you aren’t personally participating? They need your prayers.

As you consider what you may want to bring to the brunch, lunch or dinner parties after the worship gathering on June 24th, would you also consider who you could invite to share the gathering and a table with you? Who in your life likes the Mariners (or at least garlic fries?) or maybe who likes to go hiking? Plan to join those fun outings so that you can grow in relationship with others in our church, but don’t just stop there. Invite others to join you so they can get to know some of your “family”! You get the point ;).

So, let’s make this the best summer ever by consecrating it to the Lord and allowing Him to use all of it for His glory and other’s good, as well as yours!



6/23 A.S.P.I.R.E. Men’s Discipleship Gathering: Men of The Hallows Church, mark your calendars for the next quarterly men’s ministry gathering. We’re looking forward to pressing into fellowship with one another while being challenged and encouraged to live out our faith in Christ. This is a great time to invite friends and neighbors and get other guys involved. We’ll gather at our Fremont Expression (503 N. 50th St.) from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Contact hallowsmen@hallowschurch.org for more info.

6/24 Let’s Share a Table, Quarterly Parties: As a network of missional communities that gather together on Sundays to worship, we hope these Quarterly Parties will enable our tables to become a place of grace, community and mission on a wider scale. This will be a great opportunity to meet new people, deepen old relationships, and eat amazing food! Bring your favorite side dish or dessert and gather with us on June 24th after any of our Sunday worship gatherings. Click the links below to sign up to bring a dish to share or to find more details on what kind of delicious food you can expect! Email maryann@hallowschurch.org with questions.
North Seattle | West Seattle | Fremont

6/24-6/30 Global Engagement Trip to Mexico: The Hallows Church will partner with Mexico Caravan Ministries (MCM) to participate in a house building ministry in Tijuana, Mexico. A caravan is a church, service, or school group (or any other kind of group for that matter) of 4 to 100 people that comes to Tijuana for anywhere from a day to a week for a hands-on, short-term, cross-cultural missions experience. A caravan comes to meet the needs of the poor, to contribute to the on-going ministry in Tijuana, and to be made into disciples and world Christians. Though there is opportunity to minister to others, the greatest benefit derived from coming to Mexico will be what the Spirit of God does in the lives of caravan participants themselves. Contact Jen Foxley for more information on ways to pray for this team.

6/27 Meaningful Membership: Are you interested in learning more about The Hallows Church? If so, join us for our next Meaningful Membership orientation session on Wednesday, June 27th at the Fremont Expression (503 N. 50th Street) from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Register today! Dinner (and childcare if needed) will be provided with your RSVP. Contact membership@hallowschurch.org for more information!

6/30 Hiking Adventure: This summer we will have a series of three hikes available that are intended to create a shared experience with friends and family in the great outdoors. Everyone is welcome to join in, make a friend, and have some fun. This first hike will be to Mt. McCausland (about 7 miles round trip with an 1,800 ft elevation gain). We will meet at the Fremont Expression (503 N. 50th St.) at 7:45 a.m. and plan to leave by 8:00 a.m. in carpools. No pass is required for the hike. We expect to return to Seattle around 7:30 p.m. Bring layers (for warmth, in case or rain, etc), good hiking boots, water (2 liters if possible!), and food (lunch/snacks). Sign up to carpool here and contact Jodi Pollock for more information. Note: if this hike seems a little too intense for you, mark your calendars—we have planned a hike for all skill levels on July 28th!


7/11 Prayer Gatherings: Make plans to set aside time to pray corporately in one of our three prayer gathering locations—choose whichever gathering is most accessible to you midweek from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. We will have prayer gatherings at our West Seattle expression (3420 SW Cloverdale St) and Fremont expression (503 N 50th St) buildings as well as at Rock of Hope Church (7812 224th St SW) in Edmonds. Children are invited to participate in the prayer gatherings (separate childcare is being planned for preschool age and under in each location). Also note that all MCs will meet this week for the prayer gatherings rather than separately at their normal times and locations. Email info@hallowschurch.org if you have any questions.

7/14 Parents Night Out: Parents! Enjoy a night out on Saturday, July 14. We will have childcare available from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Fremont Expression (503 N. 50th Street – enter on 50th street across from the zoo). We will have a variety of activities for the kids (movies, crafts, outdoor play, etc.). A pizza dinner will be provided. Space is limited, so sign up today! Contact Mark Smith for more details.

7/15 Deadline to register for Mariner’s Game: Join us as we head to Safeco Field to watch the Mariners take on the Houston Astros (Monday, July 30th at 7:10). Whether you’re a fan or are looking for a fun way to spend a night with friends, plan on joining us and inviting others! Tickets can be purchased at a discount through us until July 15th at $13 a person. Register here or contact John for more details.

7/18-20 Play Dayz Sports and Rec Camp: Play Dayz is a fun, high-energy, low-cost summer camp for children 5-12 years old sponsored and staffed by The Hallows Church aimed at engaging and meeting the needs of Seattle families. Cost is only $10/family! Help us make the most of this opportunity by: 1) signing up your children, 2) getting the word out and/or 3) consider volunteering (we need coaches, admin aids, greeters, videographers, set up help, etc.). Registration is simple…just head over to playdayzseattle.com to sign up. You can also follow us on Facebook to receive the latest updates. Contact Mark for more information or to hear more about opportunities to volunteer!

7/18-7/28 Global Engagement Trip to Japan: The Hallows Church will be partnering with Soma Church, Fuchu to put on a sports and English camp for kids in the community. This trip has seen God move in some great ways in past years that have brought tremendous blessing to our partners in Fuchu, Tokyo to share God’s love with the Japanese people. Contact Jen Foxley for more information on ways to pray for this team.

7/21 Party in the Park West Seattle: Parties are a natural way to embody and foster some of our church’s gospel values like humble community, missional strategy and cultural integrity. With that in mind, we a throwing a couple of “Parties in the Park” to provide a space to foster community within our church while serving the greater Fremont and West Seattle communities. We provide free burgers and hot dogs, drinks, music, as well as activities for adults and activities for children (inflatables, face painting, bubbles, & more). So, (1) mark your calendar for this fun, engaging way to connect with one another and the community, (2) invite friends to enjoy the sun with us, (3) pray that our tables (and activities) would be means and catalysts of grace that day, and (4) email Mary Ann Hudson if you can volunteer for a shift/activity.

7/28 Hiking Adventure: This summer we will have a series of three hikes available that are intended to create a shared experience with friends and family in the great outdoors. Everyone is welcome to join in, make a friend, and have some fun. More details coming soon!

7/30 Mariner’s Game: Join us as we head to Safeco Field to watch the Mariners take on the Houston Astros (Monday, July 30th at 7:10). Whether you’re a fan or are looking for a fun way to spend a night with friends, plan on joining us and inviting others! Tickets can be purchased at a discount through us until July 15th at $13 a person. Register here or contact John for more details.






Missional Community Break: We’re stepping into an exciting Summer season, one that will afford us more sunshine and time and, hopefully with it, greater opportunities for moments of fellowship through our shared experiences, mutual discipleship around the Scriptures and displaying the gospel through word and deed as we serve our neighbors. We also want to be sensitive to how busy the Summer season can be for many of us, which is why we’re going to take a break from our normal Missional Community rhythms in the month of August. This will provide an opportunity to step back, rest and ramp up for the next season of life and ministry together as we kick things off in September.

8/11 Party in the Park Fremont: Parties are a natural way to embody and foster some of our church’s gospel values like humble community, missional strategy and cultural integrity. With that in mind, we a throwing a couple of “Parties in the Park” to provide a space to foster community within our church while serving the greater Fremont and West Seattle communities. We provide free burgers and hot dogs, drinks, music, as well as activities for adults and activities for children (inflatables, face painting, bubbles, & more). So, (1) mark your calendar for this fun, engaging way to connect with one another and the community, (2) invite friends to enjoy the sun with us, (3) pray that our tables (and activities) would be means and catalysts of grace that day, and (4) email Mary Ann Hudson if you can volunteer for a shift/activity.

8/15 Meaningful Membership: Are you interested in learning more about The Hallows Church? If so, join us for our next Meaningful Membership orientation session on Wednesday, August 15th at the Fremont Expression (503 N. 50th Street) from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Register today! Dinner (and childcare if needed) will be provided with your RSVP. Contact membership@hallowschurch.org for more information!

8/18 City Serve: Every year we have a unique opportunity to come together with other Seattle churches and to impact public schools across the city by meeting needs through painting, gardening, organizing, cleaning and even building playgrounds. The schools that we have built partnerships with in West Seattle and Fremont have a diverse student body representing multiple languages, socioeconomic backgrounds and religious preferences. By showing care through humble sacrificial service indiscriminately on the City Serve Day we can display the love of Christ and unity of the Church in Seattle to families and staff in our local schools. This year, we will be volunteering at B.F. Day Elementary in Fremont and Chief Sealth High School in West Seattle. To sign up for a shift or to request more info, please contact info@hallowschurch.org.

8/25 Missional Community Leadership Summit: We desire to see lives flourish in gospel-saturated relationships, and Missional Communities (MCs) are the epicenter of where that happens in the life of The Hallows Church. Our leaders are pivotal in serving and investing in disciples through our MCs, which is why we’re setting aside time to invest, encourage and equip. If you are currently leading a missional community, in any capacity (host, study/discussion facilitator, serve or play coordinator, etc.), or if you have an interest in learning more about leading and/or launching a new MC, this time is for you. Childcare is provided by request. Contact MCs@hallowschurch.org to register or for more information.


9/8 Hiking Adventure: This summer we will have a series of three hikes available that are intended to create a shared experience with friends and family in the great outdoors. Everyone is welcome to join in, make a friend, and have some fun. More details coming soon!

9/12 Prayer Gatherings: Make plans to set aside time to pray corporately in one of our three prayer gathering locations—choose whichever gathering is most accessible to you midweek from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. We will have prayer gatherings at our West Seattle expression (3420 SW Cloverdale St) and Fremont expression (503 N 50th St) buildings as well as at Rock of Hope Church (7812 224th St SW) in Edmonds. Children are invited to participate in the prayer gatherings (separate childcare is being planned for preschool age and under in each location). Also note that all MCs will meet this week for the prayer gatherings rather than separately at their normal times and locations. Email info@hallowschurch.org if you have any questions.

9/16-9/25 Global Engagement Trip to Central Asia: The Hallows Church will be partnering with various churches and organizations in Central Asia. Contact Jen Foxley for more information on ways to pray for this team.