Imitating Christ is a thankful, worshipful response to the way He has personally dealt with us! So he tells the disciples how he has served us is how we should serve one another. In John 13, Jesus gives a foretaste of his ridiculously sacrificial love for the world by humbly serving his disciples–by washing their calloused, dirt-caked feet. Then he turned around and said, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
We wanted to take time this month to start a fun # tag of sorts to grow our thankfulness and encourage our brothers and sisters by identifying evidence of grace in one another’s lives—particularly as we see examples of humble, joyful “one-anothering” through service. Will you help us thank and encourage those you see leading by example in serving and loving one another like Jesus? Simply post a picture of another Hallows person and add #thewayupisdown #thankyou #hallowschurch #taganother. While we know everyone who is a great example of this may not be on social media or be tagged, we hope that many will be encouraged to know that their sacrificial generosity and humble example matters—to you, to us, and to the world.
To start us off here are several individuals in different life stages, Hallows expressions and careers who have been an encouragement to many in our body through their service. Thank you.
Albert is a thoughtful servant leader who has led musical worship for all three expressions throughout the years—jumping in where needs arose and eager to leverage his love for music to help others reflect upon and respond to the beauty of the gospel in worship gatherings.
Jackie is often behind-the-scenes organizing, cleaning, planning and cooking—basically using her operations experience and love for hospitality to make #hallowschurch a welcoming (and decluttered) place for people to experience Jesus in community.
Karli and James help our adults in West Seattle wake up with a hot cup of Joe (and usually a laugh) on our many dreary Seattle Sunday mornings. Karli also cares for our little disciples in the Kids Ministry and James helps make a great resource to get connected to Christ and community.
Kendra and Rob can often be found in the North Expression setting up, putting out signs, and transforming the auditorium into a place where people can enjoy gathering and connecting with Jesus and one another. (Kendra is also a baby whisperer so if you’ve had a baby come through the Fremont or North Seattle Kids Ministry, she has probably soothed your child.)
Aaron is a servant leader you may not know, but if you worship with the Fremont Expression, you have definitely experienced the fruit of his faithful, sacrificial service week in and week out as part of the Sunday set-up and tear-down team.
Sara and Jordan have served in various ways throughout the years behind-the-scenes (in the kitchen making coffee) and in front (serving through singing (Sara not Jordan ;)) to shepherding and equipping others for international ministry). However they serve, God uses them to set an example of gospel-fueled hospitality and intentionality, as well as turning love for the nations into tangible ways of loving the nations here in Seattle and abroad.
Hillary (along with friends Larissa and Jordan) first jumped in using her work skills on the Communications Ministry Team. A couple years ago, she asked our then College Ministry leader (Krystal-whom we are also so grateful for) how she could use her communications and Microsoft-recruiting background to help get college students connected into our gospel community, Krystal asked her to simply step in and do life with a mainly college student-filled Missional Community (MC). She did, and eventually became the co-leader and host of our Queen Anne MC.
Matthew has been a pillar in our sound and tech team since the North Expression launched last year—joyfully setting up and running sound checks while others may still be snoozing in bed. We know our leaders in musical worship aren’t just in front, but often sitting behind the rest of us.
Jana and Jacob moved here several months ago to work with Amazon and be part of The Hallows Church. Jana has been serving behind-the-scenes in many ways including cooking for our college and young adult dinners and even stamping those sweet Fremont Expression coffee cups with our core values reminding us that “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Who do you want to encourage and say thank you to today? Simply tag them on instagram or Facebook using #thewayupisdown #thankyou #hallowschurch #taganother.
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