If you’ve been around The Hallows Church for any significant amount of time you’ve probably heard the phrase “we exist to magnify and multiply the gospel through Seattle to the ends of the earth.” It’s our mission statement—really its the mission statement Jesus gives all His Church in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). As a community of faith we see this happen when we desire to see lives flourish in gospel-saturated relationships.

So starting Easter Sunday, we began a sermon series focusing on what it looks like to be a gospel-saturated disciple. Diving into Colossians 3 we’ve seen that a gospel-saturated disciple takes the gospel in and thinks the gospel through—applying the gospel to all areas of life and thinking for our good, others’ good and God’s glory. As we continue to move forward in this series, we will look at how a gospel-saturated disciple also turns the gospel out and the role that perspective, humility, honesty, compassion, and encouragement are to play in our community of faith.

We’ll end our “Gospel Saturated” series at our All-Church Retreat over Memorial Day Weekend (May 25-27th) considering how Gospel-saturation, then, shapes our identity in Christ, nurtures our intimacy with Christ, and excites our involvement in the purposes of Christ. So go ahead and make plans now to participate in the all-church retreat by registering today. (You should also know that early registration ends this Sunday, April 15 (and early registration means free t-shirt for you.) Also friends don’t let friends miss out on fun, fellowship and meaningful rest and worship so make sure your friends and family know you’re going and encourage them to enjoy the All-Church Retreat with you!

Hear why these Hallows’ people want you to participate this year:

To tell you all the truth, I didn’t want to go to the retreat until about a week or two before it started.  What finally sold me was that I knew it would be helpful to invest in two areas in my life that I wanted to see growth: my relationship with God and building community. I am so glad I went.  The accommodations were nice, the food was good, the teaching was excellent, the praise and worship was thirst quenching, and the connections made with the people in the church have been long lasting.” – Jonathan, West Seattle Expression

The retreat is such a great way to connect with others at the church. On Sundays, we’re always scurrying around to get the kids home after the service, but the retreat is a chance to eat meals together, hangout and chat, play games, and unwind together. Plus, there’s still a time of learning and worshiping together, and a great program for the kids as well. My kids enjoyed the weekend so much, and I enjoyed not having to cook 🙂” – S., Fremont Expression

This past year it was fun to spend concentrated time with some friends while also developing new relationships. Since childcare was offered, we were able to have downtime with other adults without interruption!!! Guilt free- because the kids LOVED their time doing VBS with their friends as well! What George and I really love about the Church Retreat is not only that we get to spend time with other families in the same life-stage, but we get to know people in other life circumstances. It can be easy in the daily routine to mainly see those people who have children to play with our own children so that we might manage a conversation, but the way they set it up, we also got to enjoy spending time with people in other life situations. It was so refreshing! Another point of appreciation was that the teaching at this past Church Retreat was deep and personal. I still think about some of the points Andrew made about the story of David and Goliath as well as the testimony shared by Wes. If you are considering going this year, I would highly recommend it, and I hope we get to spend some time with you and get to know you more!” -Courtney and George, Fremont Expression

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