250+. That’s the number of times that the word “remember” is found in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. The first time the verb is found is in Genesis 8, and it starts with God–God remembering man. Then, throughout the rest of Scripture we see that God continues to remember his people and his promises. We also see, however, that the act of remembering is not one-sided but rather we too are called to remember–to remember God’s character, His promises, His Word and His works.
So, as a church that cherishes humble community let us be a people who take time to remember God, His work and His Word often–individually and together. Let us follow in the way of the writer of Psalm 77:11-12 which says, “Remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God?You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.”
As we eagerly look to what the future holds for our Fremont expression in a new hub of ministry starting this Sunday at 4 p.m. (Emmanuel Bible Church across from Woodland Park Zoo), let us not forget to remember and be grateful for the Lord’s kindness and provision experienced over the years as he grew us, sanctified us, and used in our rented space by The Troll (Fremont Baptist Church). May the observations shared from current and previous members below spur us on to embody and embrace the gospel similarly and even more so as we move to our new Fremont location this week.
“Some of my best memories came from my time on the understaffed but enthusiastic Setup Team. Every week that I served I had a chance to build relationships with those that quickly became some of my favorite people. Humble servants giving their time behind the scenes to make sure that God was the center of attention. There were deadlines, coffee runs, and the occasional mishap but I’ll never regret the time I spent serving with these people.” – Brandon M.
“I feel like many internationals have seen and experienced the beautiful picture of God’s love through our Hallows Fremont community over the last 6 years. I have seen so many Fremont members — regardless of whether they were officially a part of our international ministry or not — welcome, include, love, and embrace internationals from all parts of the world.” – Sara L.
“God used an Open Floor event to bring 70+ people to Fremont Baptist and witness local artists showcase their God-given talents through poetry and spoken word, a myriad of musical acts, a martial arts drill, and a dance routine with a light show. In doing so, he [God] captivated the audience with his artistic genius through the performers’ talent and brought them to a place where they could hear the Gospel creatively proclaimed by a couple Christian artists.” – Austin B.
“We have been so encouraged to see God’s people serving and loving one another, faithfully acting as a true family unified by the Gospel. Being able to sit under Gospel-driven preaching by Pastor Andrew and being a part of a church that has such a deep care for the community around them has been a huge blessing.” – Gabrielle A.
Our first hub of ministry will always hold a sweet spot in our church’s heart as a place where countless gospel-saturated relationships were made–with those who still live in Seattle and also with those who have scattered all around the world and are magnifying and multiplying the gospel. It’s a physical place where many baptisms and child dedications were celebrated; where people did something odd and set aside their busy schedules weekly to celebrate God and grow through studying His Word, praying, singing and eating together (so many shared meals!); where people were prayed for about their hurts and dreams; where strangers became family; where we experienced God’s grace as individuals and as a community.
#grateful #thankyoujesus #relationshipsmade#hallowschurch #fremont #storiesofgrace
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