Pictured above: The Hallows North Expression’s first Sunday gathering at King’s Schools in Shoreline. Praise God for the 70+ adults and 20 children who gathered to worship! 

Pictured above: The Hallows North Expression’s first Sunday gathering at King’s Schools in Shoreline. Praise God for the 70+ adults and 20 children who gathered to worship! 

“What comes into your mind when you think about God is the single most important thing about you.” A. W. Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy

This past Sunday we began a new sermon series entitled “Exploring our Shared Vision & Values,” and launched a new expression of our worshipping, missional community in North Seattle. As pastor Dr. Andrew Arthur shared, “what we need in this maiden moment is not so much a vision for our church but a vision of our God.” As one church meeting in three expressions on Sundays, we are united by more than just a shared vision—we are united by a shared Savior. 

What we think about God, then, is the single most important thing about us a body of faith, as well as individuals. As we continue in this sermon series exploring how the gospel affects and propels our shared life in Christ, let’s take time: to praise God for the evidence of grace in our community, to invite others to step in to hear and explore these gospel truths with us, and to prayerfully consider a couple of the questions that surfaced from our study on Sunday of Isaiah 6:1-8.

Questions to consider this week:

What comes into your mind when you think about God? What tends to fuel your vision of God— does he, for instance, tend to reflect you, your personality and your preferences? 

Does your vision of God lead you to humble deference like it leads Isaiah and the heavenly creatures in Isaiah 6:1-8?

In worship, we are not seeking to enhance God but to enjoy God. What difference does this make in your approach to worship?