He came! On Christmas Eve, let’s celebrate the King who came to seek and save the lost, give rest to the weary, set the captives free, & give life. Join us on December 24th @ 10 a.m. for a special Christmas Eve worship gathering at our North Seattle Expression (Schirmer Auditorium at King’s Schools in Shoreline | 19303 Fremont Ave. N). All are welcome so invite friends and family to join you! Childcare is provided for children ages 3 and under. Children 3+ are invited to enjoy participation in the worship gathering.
A Christmas Meditation from Pastor Andrew:
Each year, my family loves visiting Westlake Center to search the stores for new Christmas ornaments. We each pick a new decoration for our tree. This year, Asher picked Darth Vader (don’t judge, I know he did a lot of bad things—but he eventually came around, right?), Delaney picked a flashy bird, and Adalyn selected, of all things, a large donut! She’s a girl after her mommy’s heart! After all, Kim’s first word was “doe-doe”, which is baby talk for “donut.” Our hope is that over time our trees will reflect more of our family’s varied pleasures and shared personality. But, of course, ornaments are fragile items—my yoda from last year did not make it to 2017. As such, in our home, ornaments represent far more than their composition can carry.
At first glance, the baby born in Bethlehem seems to represent far more than his composition could carry. After all, his mother was a young virgin. His delivery room was a sheep pen. His first crib was a feeding trough. Yet, that baby represented redemption. He represented God’s heart—and our hope—for a world torn apart by sin, Satan, and death. His fragile composition would prove to be the firm foundation of our salvation. For Jesus came “not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk. 10:45). The joy set before Jesus could only be seized through the cross. Although He was crushed and crucified, Jesus would rise again and take His seat at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2). In the kingdom of God, the fragile composition of redeeming love is ultimately unconquerable.
As His redeeming love gives shape to our lives, we will find ourselves reflecting more and more of our Savior’s joy and character. In a sense, we will become God’s ornamentation in the world. Lives that may at first glance seem fragile, in that they are marked by humility, service, and sacrifice, actually represent the strongest force in the world—the force of God’s redeeming love.
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Andrew