We have exciting opportunities for this Advent season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and all that His coming means for us! We have provided a daily Advent devotional for you to use from Sunday, December 3rd through Monday, December 25th accompanied by a recommended Spotify list. Pick up your copy in the lobby this Sunday or download a digital copy here.
The word advent literally means ‘coming.’ The season of Advent provides us with an intentional time-frame to focus our minds’ attention and hearts’ affections upon the ‘comings’ of our King.
Together, we reflect first upon Christ’s arrival in Bethlehem. We consider how the Incarnation reveals the humility of the holy One. As we do so, we then gladly grow in the downward trajectory of daily discipleship. In Christ’s kingdom, the way up is always down for the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Mk. 10:45). Jesus came to serve us by saving us. His humility ignites our humility. As we find ourselves being served by the Holy One, we more eagerly seek to serve those around us. Jesus said, “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (Jn. 13:15).
Together, we also focus our faith upon the inevitability of Christ’s return. We look forward to the day when Christ comes again to finish His work of making all thing new. Jesus first came as the Suffering Servant to secure our salvation through the service of His life, death, and resurrection. One day, He will return as the conquering King to settle our salvation once and for all. As we reflect upon the two ‘comings’ of our King, we will find our lives adorned with humility and hope in the here and now.
We designed this year’s devotional to highlight specific reasons why Jesus came into the world. Each section of this booklet includes a daily Scripture reading along with a statement declaring a reason why Jesus came. Three questions are then provided to catalyze a more pointed time of reflection and/or discussion. Lastly, a song is suggested for you to listen to and/or to sing along during your time. Perhaps you can use this booklet to start a new tradition of gathering, singing, and worshiping together with your friends and family.
We pray for this resource to serve you well!
Pastor Andrew
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