There was a time in my life that I walked away from my faith, about five years or so. During that time I could definitely feel the pull of the Holy Spirit to come back. Finally, I answered his call and made changes in my life. Now all I needed was a church to call home. I did lots of research and found one near me. But when I went, I felt distant from those around me. I was feeling frustrated and unable to grow. I was on the phone with my dad, complaining about it when I passed a sign for a church called The Hallows Church. Unique, I thought. I went home immediately and looked up the church. Instantly, I liked the church. The core values and mission statement were inline with what I believed.

So I decided, with a bit of trepidation, to try this new church. I sat in the back and to the left, trying to get a feel for the church. A very pregnant young woman sat next to me and as soon as the service was over, she introduced herself. I’m sure you’ve guessed it already. It was Kim Arthur.

She made me feel at ease and welcome. It happened to be the Sunday lunch that day and she invited me to stay and sit with her. I tend to be very reserved and quiet but quickly I was pulled into conversation with everyone at my table. In fact, Kim set me up with an MC as we were sitting there. I have never felt such hospitality and so quickly from people I barely know.  Not only that but there was such acceptance and grace, even when they realized I had walked away for so long.  I knew from that very first day that this was the church for me– with its grace, hospitality, and scripture-based sermons. 

-Katie – a student at UW, HR employee in Redmond, enthusiast of teas and cats, holder of babies at the West Seattle expression, and dearly loved child of The King.