How awesome is it that the Seahawks have made the Super Bowl again?!
Last year, we hosted our regularly scheduled worship gathering on Super Bowl Sunday. It was a tough decision but in the end we concluded that doing so was a way for our church to profess practically our steady and superior allegiance to Jesus Christ. So we gathered for worship. Honestly, the turnout for that Sunday exceeded expectations resulting in a very encouraging service!
On one hand, some see the opportunity to participate in Super Bowl parties and to join in supporting the Hawks as a way to show love for and camaraderie with our city. We certainly understand and share that perspective to some degree. We do love our city! Choosing to scatter rather than to gather on that day provides a unique opportunity for us to carry out our core value of Missional Strategy.
On the other hand, some see Super Bowl Sunday as a way to demonstrate practically how our lives are centered on the worship of Jesus Christ. We are able to exercise our priorities in a unique capacity. This approach certainly carries weight as it provides an opportunity to bear witness of our chief allegiance to one another and to the watching world. Worshiping Jesus Christ together will forever be more significant to our lives than watching a football game–and I say that as an avid sports fan!
Last year, our options were limited by our church’s gathering location and schedule due to our rental agreement with Fremont Baptist Church. This year, however, that is not the case. We now have access to gathering space in West Seattle! After some prayer and conversation, we believe we can maximize the unique opportunity of Super Bowl Sunday by gathering worshipers and scattering servants.
So, our plan for Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, will be to host one gathering in West Seattle (3420 SW Cloverdale St.) at 10:30 am. We will follow our standard format (worship through song, Scripture, the Lord’s Supper, children’s ministry, etc.). Afterwards, everyone will be encouraged to live out their faith in the context of their friendships by attending and participating in Super Bowl parties throughout the city. Some Missional Communities may even choose to host their own parties!
The drive to West Seattle on Sunday mornings is quite easy as traffic is minimal. I usually make it there from Fremont in 15-20 minutes. So, let’s prioritize the worship of Jesus by making every effort to gather together the morning of Super Bowl Sunday and also the mission of Jesus by scattering throughout the city later that day!
Help spread the word!
Looking forward to honoring Jesus and enjoying a Seahawks’ Superbowl victory!
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