Ask Anything (Almost): “Can You Please Make the Sermon Outline (Key Points) Available Online?”

We can certainly make the Sermon Outlines available online. We will post the outline from Sunday below, but we will also add a Sermon Outline page to our list of resources. 

This past Sunday Pastor Andrew continued our series “Indwelled and Empowered: Exploring the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.” He shared a message titled “The Holy Spirit and the New Covenant” from Ezekiel 36:22-38. 

  • God’s Motivation (vv. 22-23)
    • God is not extrinsically motivated. 
    • God is intrinsically motivated.
      • God acts for the sake of His holy name.
      • God acts for the sake of His holy name among the nations.
      • God is more committed to our transformation than we are. 
  • God’s Action (vv. 24-36)
    • God will gather His people (v. 24).
    • God will cleanse HIs people (v. 25).
    • God will change His people (v. 26).
    • God will empower HIs people (v. 27).
    • God will prepare a place for His people (vv. 28-30; 33-36).
  • God’s Invitation (vv. 37-38)
    • To Pray
    • To Multiply