The Comings of Our King

We have exciting opportunities for this Advent season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and all that His coming means for us! We have provided a daily Advent devotional for you to use from Sunday, December 3rd through Monday, December 25th accompanied by a...

A Thanksgiving Thought and Prayer

In Ephesians 5, Paul reminds us that a people who are filled with the Spirit and led by the Spirit are a people marked by gratitude.  In verse 20, Paul says that such a people give thanks “always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus...

Partners in Gospel Ministry

It’s such a joy to share life together as a faith family in our wonderful city. And that joy is magnified through our partnering together to see lives flourish in gospel-saturated relationships! Last Thursday, we braved the evening traffic and weather to gather...

A Privileged Look Into a Closed Country

Below is an encouraging message from a missionary sent from our church. We will refer to him as CH for security purposes. CH is serving in a closed context, so it can be dangerous for him to have full disclosure on the internet. A closed context is a place where it is...

We Are Ambassadors of God’s Grace

This weekend, several families gathered together at the Gospel & Parenting conference to explore the biblical foundations of parenting. It was an encouraging and refreshing time to be reminded of God’s grace-filled plan for parents. Jessie Heaviland, from...