Oct 23, 2014
The Holy Spirit has always been active in the world. He has always sustained creation and natural life, renewed hearts, granted spiritual understanding, and bestowed gifts for service both in leadership and in other ways. The shift from the Old to the New Covenant did...Oct 16, 2014
Ezekiel 36:25 explicitly states that God would cleanse His people from all their idols. The undeniable implication is that idols defile people. But what constitutes an idol and how does one (or, many) defile us? Stated simply, an idol is any aspect of the created...Oct 13, 2014
We can certainly make the Sermon Outlines available online. We will post the outline from Sunday below, but we will also add a Sermon Outline page to our list of resources. This past Sunday Pastor Andrew continued our series “Indwelled and Empowered:...Oct 2, 2014
Questions addressed in our Ask Anything (Almost) forum are related typically to doctrinal, philosophical, and practical matters raised in messages shared during our Sunday worship gatherings. However, at times, one may raise a question the importance of which needs to...Oct 1, 2014
The Hallows Church exists to magnify and to multiply the gospel through Seattle to the ends of the earth. One of the ways we do so is by gathering worshipers on a weekly basis to sing the gospel in song, to study the gospel in Scripture, and to see the gospel via Holy...
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