Will I Be Any Different in 2014?

Some suggest that as a Christian I should be changing.  I should be growing.  I should be doing more of the right things and less of the wrong things.  I want this.  I genuinely desire that authentic and lasting positive change be increasingly...

Spiritual Disciplines: Seeking God’s Grace or Responding to it?

Most would agree that the spiritual disciplines offer a potential path to spiritual growth, maturity, and intimacy with God.  Most would also agree, however, that engaging in the spiritual disciplines will not guarantee these things. Practicing the disciplines...

2013 Easter Baptisms

In Baptism, the Hallows Church points to Christ by symbolizing our identification with his life, death, and resurrection in the context of his church. We practice Baptism as frequently as necessary for persons to do so. On Easter we were excited to see four members of...

Change of plans for worship tonight (4/21/13)

Due to plumbing issues at Fremont Baptist Church, we will be unable to gather for worship at our regular time and place tonight.  For this evening, some of the students from Seattle Pacific University (SPU) have reserved a room to gather for prayer and...